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Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Customer Report Developer
Добавлено: 08-09-2006
Пол: не важно.

Strong knowledge and working experience (2+ years) of (in the priority order):

• Object Pascal language, Delphi libraries and features, Report Builder components;
• Transact-SQL and MS SQL Server 7.0 and higher;
• Spoken English;
• OOP/UML approaches;
• Design patterns;
• Unit testing (DUnit, NUnit).

If you believe that you possess the skills, motivation and experience we are looking for, please send your CV to [email protected] . We consider every application and give response to everyone. Please be sure to indicate the position you are applying for.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Pricing Analyst
Добавлено: 08-09-2006
Пол: не важно.

SoftServe (http://www.softservecom.com) is a leading software development company in Eastern Europe with headquarter in Lviv, Ukraine and sales offices in Massachusetts and California, USA.

SoftServe announces vacancy for a position of Pricing Analyst:


• experience of working with SAS and SPSS statistical packages or their equivalent
• SAS to perform regression analysis to identify important relationships among transaction attributes
• SPSS AnswerTreee to perform classification or clustering analysis on selected attributes
• post-graduate education in econometrics, statistics or operations research
• at least moderate fluency in written and spoken English

If you believe that you possess the skills, motivation and experience we are looking for, please send your CV to [email protected] . We consider every application and give response to everyone. Please be sure to indicate the position you are applying for.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Data Base Developer
Добавлено: 08-09-2006
Пол: не важно.

The Data Base Developer Position requires the following skills:

• MS SQL Server 2000/MS Analysis Server
• Transact SQL/Reporting Service
• English

If you believe that you possess the skills, motivation and experience we are looking for, please send your CV to [email protected] . We consider every application and give response to everyone. Please be sure to indicate the position you are applying for.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Test Engineer
Добавлено: 08-09-2006
Пол: не важно.

The Test Engineer Position requires the following skills:

General requirements:
• English: upper-intermediate, communication skill
• Education: Computer science, Applied mathematics or equivalent.

Advisable skills:
IT experience: at least 1 year of information systems testing or development
• Test design and test execution using technical specifications
• Logs and tracks defects and enhancements for assigned products
• Write specifications

If you believe that you possess the skills, motivation and experience we are looking for, please send your CV to [email protected] . We consider every application and give response to everyone. Please be sure to indicate the position you are applying for.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: .NET DEVELOPER
Добавлено: 08-09-2006
Пол: не важно.

The .NET Developer Position requires the following skills:

General requirements:
• 2+ years of experience in IT industry
• English level: read/write
Special requirements:
• OOP Design
• Architectural practice
• Databases (Oracle, SQL Server or similar)

If you believe that you possess the skills, motivation and experience we are looking for, please send your CV to [email protected] . We consider every application and give response to everyone. Please be sure to indicate the position you are applying for.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: JAVA DEVELOPER
Добавлено: 08-09-2006
Пол: не важно.

The Java Developer Position requires the following skills:

General requirements:
• 2+ years of experience in IT industry
• English level: read/write
Special requirements:
• Struts/Velocity/Hibernate
• OOP Design
• Architectural practice
• Application Servers
• Databases (Oracle, SQL Server or similar)

If you believe that you possess the skills, motivation and experience we are looking for, please send your CV to [email protected] . We consider every application and give response to everyone. Please be sure to indicate the position you are applying for.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: програміст
Добавлено: 17-08-2006
Пол: не важно.

Компанія, що займається розробкою програмного забезпечення запрошує на постійну роботу фахівців з Java та Microsoft. Net.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Программист PHP
Добавлено: 05-07-2006
Пол: не важно.
500 $

Требуется знание MySQL, опыт работы, уверенное владение английским

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Разработчик С++
Добавлено: 05-07-2006
Пол: не важно.
500 $

Требуется программист С++ для разработки системного программного обеспечения

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Программист
Добавлено: 05-07-2006
Пол: не важно.

Для программистов 1С, Delphi, C++, PHP и прочих языков программирования.

Работа удаленая или на месте.
Вся информация на сайте.

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